6 I am surprised and astonished that you are so quickly turning renegade and deserting Him Who invited and called you by the grace [unmerited favor] of Christ [the Messiah] [and that you are transferring your allegiance] to a different [even an opposition] gospel. 7 Not that there is [or could be] any other [genuine Gospel], but there are [obviously] some who are troubling and disturbing and bewildering you [with a different kind of teaching which they offer as a gospel] and want to pervert and distort the Gospel of Christ [the Messiah] [into something which it absolutely is not] (Galatians 1:6, 7 — The Amplified Bible). People often tell me they want to read the Bible, but when they try, they find they don’t understand what they are reading. Let me explain. There are four ways to read the Bible, and one way leads to the next and so on. The first way is to read the Bible cover to cover, preferably out loud to yourself, without any understanding of what you have read. This is a spiritual reading. Your mind cannot figure out what you are doing, but what you are doing is essential! You are filling your spirit with the Word of God. The second way is slower, but now you are digging into more depth. Buy yourself a Bible Dictionary, and when you come across words which perplex you, look them up. I recommend you write little definitions in the margins of the pages of your Bible so you can remember them. Do this from cover to cover in your Bible. The third way is to once again read from page one to the end, but this time do a word study as you go. Buy a Thompson Chain Bible. In the middle of each page you will be given other scriptures to look up which explain what you are reading. Now your mind can start tussling with scripture, but your spirit can correct your mind because your spirit will be filled with the Word of God.
The fourth way will be with you till death do you part. It is reading the Bible by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Don’t try this until you are completely filled with the Word of God as described in the previous three ways to read. But there is a spirit in man, and the breath of the Almighty gives him understanding (Job 32:8 — New King James Version).
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