Song of Solomon 8:1–3
1 If only I could show everyone this passionate desire I have for you. If only I could express it fully, no matter who was watching me, without shame or embarrassment. 2 I long to bring you to my innermost chamber—this holy sanctuary you have formed within me. O that I might carry you within me. I would give you the spaced wine of my love, this full cup of bliss that we share. We would drink our fill until… 3 his left hand cradles my head while his right hand holds me close. We are at rest in this love. This is the Shulamite’s response to the Beloved’s expression of love. God designed mankind, built us for our bodies, joined together, to be one, and He anticipates we will love each other like these two individuals. Unfortunately, society has forced and endorsed sex outside of marriage. God’s plan was for a virgin man and a virgin woman to marry, and on the wedding night, begin the discovery of each other that is so intimate no one else can participate with them. All their lives the couple would design and practice more and more ways of loving one another, achieving the beautiful descriptions given to us in Proverbs 7 and 8. But with multiple partners and the furtiveness of their coming together, sex has become dull, nothing more than an act.